Protected: When Firnas Aero Technics revives the aircraft recycling industry
May 21, 2020There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

The airbus BelugaXL enters service and expands the capacity of the fleet
January 15, 2020The voluminous cargo BelugaXL has finally entered into service, and it now provides Airbus with a 30 per cent extra transport capacity to support the ...

Revealed: The Middle East’s highest earning airline routes
August 27, 2019The most profitable airline routes in the Middle East have been revealed – and UAE-based airlines account for almost all of them.Statistics from airli...

Adil JALALI, lève le voile sur les ambitions de la Direction Technique de la Royal Air Maroc.
October 31, 2018Source de l’article : Atlas News MagazineAvec plus de 300 collaborateurs des installations industrielles, notre Direction Technique constitue ce...

Déjà 4 A380 chez Tarmac Aerosave
October 29, 2018Le spécialiste du stockage, de la maintenance et du recyclage d’avions, a redimensionné ses installations industrielles pour se positionner sur ...

First A380 Dismantled and to Be Sold as Spare Parts
August 27, 2018The first Airbus A380 has been dismantled and will be sold as spare parts as a new lessee or buyer could not be found following expiry of the 10-year ...

Le 4 août 1909 dans le ciel : Record du monde de durée, Roger Sommer tente sa chance, sans succès
August 6, 2018Histoire de l’aviation – 4 août 1909. En ce mercredi 4 août 1909, c’est l’aviateur natif de Pierrepont Roger Sommer qui fait l’actualité aéronautique,...

Asset Management In China Grows Up
August 3, 2018China has long had the demand for aircraft and the funds to finance them. It’s not surprising that a domestic leasing business has taken off. It’s a f...

Airbus Unveils Rebranded Bombardier CSeries as A220
July 16, 2018Airbus has just unveiled its Airbus A220, previously known as CSeries or C Series, the aircraft marketed by Airbus but designed by and built in partne...

Airbus : la flotte mondiale d’avions passagers atteindra 48.000 appareils d’ici 20 ans
July 9, 2018La flotte mondiale d’avions passagers va plus que doubler pour atteindre 48.000 appareils d’ci 20 ans, avec une croissance du trafic aérien de 4,4% pa...

Airbus A321 LR pour Air Transat, 3e A380 de SIA à Tarbes
July 2, 2018La compagnie aérienne Air Transat va louer auprès d’AerCap sept Airbus A321neo supplémentaires, dont cinq en version LR qui viendront s’ajouter aux di...

Grounded COMAC C919 test aircraft fly again after modifications
June 29, 2018The first two Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) C919 flight test aircraft returned to the air on June 22 after weeks on the ground for what i...

Haute saison : Tunisair affrète 06 nouveaux avions, 420 vols supplémentaires prévus
June 26, 2018La flotte actuelle de 28 avions de Tunisair ne sera pas suffisante pour répondre à la forte demande sur son réseau en cette saison estivale. C’est pou...

June 20, 2018LONDON – Sources from Reuters are reporting that Airbus is looking at further bumping up the range of its A321 program as the latest effort in trying ...

Kenya Airways considers Bombardier CSeries, Embraer E2 order
June 18, 2018Kenya Airways is evaluating an order of up to 20 Bombardier CSeries or Embraer E2 regional jets. A decision will be made by the end of this year, CEO ...

Airbus to close Bombardier CSeries deal July 1
June 13, 2018Airbus will take over majority control of Bombardier’s CSeries program on July 1, after the two parties receive all regulatory approvals and final neg...

Un Beriev Be-200 chez Tarmac Aerosave
June 11, 2018Le Beriev Be-200, bombardier d’eau construit par l’avionneur russe Beriev, membre du consortium United Aircraft Corporation, est une des t...

IATA-AFRAA : Main dans la main pour le développement des transports aériens en Afrique
June 6, 2018L’Association du transport aérien international (IATA– International Air Transport Association) et L’Association des compagnies aériennes africaines (...

Efficiency improvement in MROs
May 22, 2018In the summer of 2015, a brand-new American Airlines 787 Dreamliner was badly battered by hail on a flight from Beijing to Dallas. The hail-damage was...

Réalités et défis: L’industrie de l’aviation en Afrique et du secteur de la MRO en particulier
May 15, 2018L’Afrique, affiche depuis plus d’une décennie, des niveaux de croissance à faire pâlir d’envie l’Europe qui peine à se remettre d...

Tear-Downs and End-of-Life Solutions
May 4, 2018Jan 26, 2017 – The part-out process is an option for aircraft owners. Part-out candidates can range from young aircraft variants with a large us...

Narrowbody Aircraft Market Is Busier Than Ever
May 2, 2018If there is one word that describes the state of the narrowbody market, it is “unprecedented.” Never have so many different models either entered or b...

Workforce Shortage, Maintenance-Information Access Lead MRO Concerns
April 26, 2018Aeronautical Repair Station Association’s 2018 survey reveals the painful effects of the workforce shortage that is forecasted to only get more ...